This final video needs some love when it comes to the audio, but the project will always have a special place in my heart because of the process. Myself and two of my classmates created this concept for an assignment, wherein we were instructed to "come up with an idea and execute it." We decided we wanted to make a religion. So, what did that entail?
We started by choosing what we were going to worship: The Lake Erie Monster.  We decided on a name for it, which became Fiske. Next, we needed some lore, all of which can be found on the blog we created ( to spread information about the Fiskerian lifestyle. 
We printed out fliers, made signs and recruited my friends to go out to the lake to spread the word. We even wrote a song to sing as we marched along the lakeshore. 
We were kicked out of a building for promoting our religion in a government facility Afterwards, however, one of the chefs came out to speak with us, curious about what these strange young people were talking about. The biggest challenge was not breaking character while we spoke with him. After that interaction, however, our confidence grew, and we were able to speak with more people and even get them to agree to being on camera. 
At the end of the day, everyone felt very connected to the project, since it required so much dedication between the social anxiety and terrible weather. In a way, we really did create something like a religion. If you ask any of the actors now, they will all enthusiastically tell you that they believe in Fiske. 

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